Psoas Self-Massage: A Complete Guide for Pain Relief and Improved Mobility

Psoas self-massage is a well-known massage that can help with lower back pain and joint pain, and it is easy to perform at home. Physical pain is a prevalent health concern that affects a significant population worldwide and can lead to chronic pain and severe physical dysfunctions such as difficulty in walking, sitting, or standing properly if left untreated. Fortunately, various techniques, medications, and therapies can help with pain relief. Psoas self-massage is one of the most effective massage types for pain relief. It can be particularly helpful for lower back pain relief and joint pain. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Psoas self-massage, including how to perform it correctly and its benefits.
Locating the Psoas Muscle
Before starting the Psoas self-massage, it is essential to locate the Psoas muscle. You can identify the exact position by placing a massage ball on the muscle, lifting your leg, and flexing your hip. You will feel the muscle working.
Performing the Psoas Self-Massage
Once you have located the Psoas muscle, you can begin the self-massage by following these steps:
Lie down on your stomach in the Sphinx pose and support your body with your elbows.
Grab a massage ball, place it on the side of your belly button, and gradually move it downwards.
You can either stay on your elbows or lie down completely on your stomach.
Breathe in and out once you start releasing the muscle. The tightness at the beginning will dissipate.
Is Psoas Self-Massage Effective?
There are different opinions about the effectiveness of Psoas self-massage. Some people find it uncomfortable and unpleasant, while others believe it is worth giving a try, especially for lower back pain issues. If you have any doubts about the accuracy of self-psoas massage, you can try using PSO-rite, a self-care tool that is highly effective in releasing the soreness of the psoas muscles and helps you regain pain-free mobility. Carefully designed in the shape of a therapist's hands, it is a revolutionary tool that can be learned through tutorials provided by experts on the PSO-rite's website.
Why Are Psoas Muscles Important?
Psoas muscles are one of the essential parts of your body and are involved in almost all physical activities. They connect your lower body with the spine, helping you walk upright and maintain a healthy spinal position. They are connected to your diaphragm via fascia and are also involved in your breathing process. Weak psoas muscles can put a strain on the surrounding muscles and tissues, leading to lower back irritability, difficulty breathing, and leg and pelvic aches. Focusing on psoas self-massage and doing it rightly for enhanced effectiveness can ensure their healthy functionality.
What Weakens Your Psoas Muscles the Most?
To take care of your psoas, you should avoid certain habits such as:
Sitting for too long.
Slouching; keep your sitting position straight.
Sleeping in a fetal position.
Putting your body weight on one side only.
Too much running, weakens your psoas muscles fast.
Why is Psoas Massage Important?
Psoas massage is highly beneficial for those going through lower back irritability and pelvic, leg, or joint aches. Here is how you can benefit from getting your psoas muscles massaged:
Relaxed psoas muscles increase your mobility and improve hip movement. You can walk as long as you want without difficulty.
It gives you relief from chronic back pain, and you can get back to doing what you love sooner than later.