Sciatica: Causes, Treatment, Exercises, and Symptoms

Simple Sciatica Stretching Exercises for Relief
Sciatica Nerve Pain
It is severe that it could turn a healthy man or woman into a weeping heap on the couch with no desire to lift a finger. The causes of this sudden and unexpected condition can come from injury, spinal stenosis (when the spinal canal housing around the spinal cord becomes constricted) or from ruptured or herniated discs.
According to the experts, getting the root of the issue behind a sciatica condition is an important first step in getting a suitable cure. Most of the true source of the pain originates in the lower back or the hips. This can often be relieved with something as simple as a stretch that externally rotates the hips.
Following are six ideal exercises to accomplish just that:
- pigeon pose reclining
- sitting pigeon pose
- pigeon pose
- knee to shoulder
- sitting back stretch
- standing stretch
1. The reclining pigeon pose
This is one of the most basic yoga poses and works to relax and strengthen the hips. There are different versions of this pose and the best, to begin with, is the “Reclining Pigeon Pose”. If you are a beginner, this is the one you should begin with.
- Begin by lying comfortably on your back, then raise your right leg to form a right angle at the knee. Clasp your hands firmly around your right thigh and interlock your fingers.
- Next, raise the left leg and put your right ankle right on top of your left knee. This position stretches an important muscle called the piriformis muscle that can place undue pressure on the sciatic nerve.
- Swap legs and do the same thing. Once you have mastered the reclining version of this pose you will be able to move on to the more advanced pigeon poses.
2. Sitting pigeon pose
- .To begin the sitting pigeon pose, begin by sitting on your yoga mat with your legs stretched out before you.
- Bend your right leg inwards and pace the right ankle above the left knee.
- lean forwards until your upper body contacts your thighs.
- This position will do a good job of stretching the lower back and glutes, holding it for about 10 to 15 seconds.
5. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
3. Forward pigeon pose
- Get comfortable on the mat on your hands and knees
- Move your right leg in front of your body and lay it on the mat. Your right foot will be just in front of your left knee with the right knee lying flat across the mat.
- Then stretch your left leg out behind you toil the top of your foot is on the mat
- When in this position, carefully shift the weight from your hands back on to your legs. Place your hands on either side of your legs for support in this position.
- Then breathe deeply and as you do shift your weight forward above the right leg and feel the deep stretching action. Keep most of your weight supported by your arms.
- Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
4. Knee to the opposite shoulder
This pose is especially good for relieving the pain of sciatica by stretching and engaging the glutes and piriformis muscles that can become inflamed and push against the sciatic nerve.
- Begin by lying on your back with your legs fully extended and your feet pointing upward.
- Bring your right leg up and clasp your hands around the knee.
- Next, pull your right knee across your body toward your right shoulder. Don’t touch the knee to the shoulder, just pull gently as far as it can comfortably go and hold it there for about 30 seconds. You should feel the intense muscle stretching but no actual pain.
- Release the knee and push slowly downwards until it has returned to the starting position.
- Repeat the action three times over and then move to the other leg and repeat the same three reps.
5. Sitting spinal stretch
Sciatica can occur when the discs of the spinal column compress and this exercise here can help relieve this pressure.
- Sit on your mat with your legs in front of you and your feet pointing upwards.
- Bend your right foot inwards and hold the bottom of your foot flat against the side of your knee.
- Then place your left elbow on the mat outside your right knee and exhale slowly as you slowly turn your body toward the right.
- Hold this position before turning to the starting position and repeating the motion 3 times. Switch sides and repeat the reps turning to the left.
6. Standing hamstring stretch
Here is one more stretch that can soothe the pain and tightness that will often result in sciatica, preventing the problem before it even begins.
- Begin by standing on your mat in front of a chair, coffee table, staircase or some other sturdy support. You will need to lift your foot no higher than your hip level or to whatever capacity below this that you can. Flex the foot so that your leg stays straight outward. If you have a knee that tends to hyperextend, you can bend the knee slightly.
- Bend the body forward as you do this, the further you can go the better the stretch will be. But, don’t push so far that you begin feeling pain.
- Hold your position for 30 seconds before gently returning to the standing position. Change legs and repeat.
PSO-RITE is the newest self massage tool on the market. Its patented design mimics the hand and elbow of a massage therapist and is perfect for those looking to treat sciatica.
What does the PSO-RITE do?
- Increases circulation, relaxation and warmth to the muscles, and increases mobility. The PSO-RITE is used for muscle lengthening and joint decompression, which enhances physical performance. It also adds range of motion by releasing tension in the muscle allowing the joint to have more space, increasing mobility/movement.
- What is releasing? the cross link adhesions between the muscle fibers.
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Where do you use PSO-RITE?
- Everywhere: Hip flexor, psoas, lower back, shoulder, neck etc.
- Along any muscle
You can also visit our store and check out our Psoas Muscle Massager that can help in releasing your psoas muscle and stretching your muscles.
Final Pointers on Exercising with Care
Even though these exercises are fun and fairly easy, if you have not practiced them regularly you should never assume that you are going to be flexible enough to accomplish them easily. Always begin easy and simple before working up to more strenuous poses.
Furthermore, be very in tune with your breathing and body in motion as you gently work through these exercises. Sciatica pain is caused by pressure in a specific area of the body and if you are not careful you can increase this pressure and this will cause even more problems later. If one specific exercise feels especially good during and after the routine, this is the one you will want to focus on.
Finally, if you notice that your sciatica pain is getting worse or not going away despite our best efforts, you will want to be examined by a medical practitioner.
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